Payload Website Template
Visit the admin dashboard to begin managing this site's content. The code for this template is completely open-source and can be found on our Github.
Core features
Admin Dashboard
Manage this site's pages and posts from the admin dashboard.
Using versions, drafts, and preview, editors can review and share their changes before publishing them.
Page Builder
Custom page builder allows you to create unique page, post, and project layouts for any type of content.
Editors have complete control over SEO data and site content directly from the admin dashboard.
Dark Mode
Users will experience this site in their preferred color scheme and each block can be inverted.
Photo by Andrew Kliatskyi on Unsplash.
Recent posts
The posts below are displayed in an "Archive" layout building block which is an extremely powerful way to display documents on a page. It can be auto-populated by collection or by category, or posts can be individually selected. Pagination controls will automatically appear if the number of results exceeds the number of items per page.
Dodge the Have-I-Been-Pwned List! Passwords are used everywhere, yet many organisations fail to implement passwords properly. Here are the best practices according to OWASP.
Consistent hashing algorithm from the database design perspective as it's a frequent use case where DynamoDB and Apache Cassandra have implemented it.
The platform is extensible by third-party add-ons where each add-on can be developed by an independent person or team published and consumed freely.
note: I wont be focusing on finding good project ideas or how to get funding, since I have no experience in this.
Setup of photoprism docker container using authentik identity provider. Including best practices and recommendations
This is a call to action
This is a custom layout building block configured in the admin dashboard.